Our Oceans; Our Future

It’s time to look at our future. It’s time to look at our oceans.

The oceans cover about two-thirds of the surface of the Earth and are the very foundations of life. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe, absorb a large share of carbon dioxide emissions, provide food and nutrients and regulate climate. They are important economically for countries that rely on tourism, fishing and other marine resources for income and serve as the backbone of international trade.

Unfortunately, human pressures, including over-exploitation, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, destructive fishing, as well as unsustainable aquaculture practices, marine pollution, habitat destruction, alien species, climate change and ocean acidification are taking a significant toll on the world’s oceans and seas.

June 8 is World Oceans Day, an annual celebration of the planet’s oceans and recognized by the United Nations each year. This day is also a call for ocean conservation action throughout the year.   Take a look:

Many of our projects work with our oceans and the ecosystems that support them.  Take a look here and support one (or more) today!