Welcome, Water Hub!

We are excited to welcome Water Hub to our portfolio of projects working to advance water justice and resilience across the United States. Water Hub is a pro bono communications organization that uses story-based strategies to make water communications more accessible and activism more effective so the people most impacted by water challenges have greater agency to determine the solutions. They provide advocates with communications support like writing, messaging, digital strategy, and media research while driving long-term narrative change through storytelling, arts, and cultural collaborations.

Giving voice and visibility to Tribes, communities of color, and other underrepresented groups is a core focus. For example, our Color of Water directory features over 100 water experts of color working across the United States and honors traditional ecological knowledge alongside academic expertise to amplify community stories and solutions in the media.

Water Hub envisions a future where everyone has equitable access to safe water and thriving ecosystems, and a voice in the management of this shared resource.

Want to learn more about Water Hub? Check them out at any of the following online locations: