California Water Library
The challenge:
Although water availability, use and access is arguably one of California’s most pressing and often controversial public issues, finding unbiased information on California’s water issues can be frustrating and time-consuming, even for those working in the water industry. Thousands of critical and timely reports, articles, white papers and legal rulings about California’s water are buried in an assortment of disjointed websites maintained by public resource agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, research centers, and others.
What can be done?
Provide unbiased, consolidated online access to resources about California Water so that anyone can access information needed to make informed decisions about the State’s most precious natural resource.
How California Water Library is meeting the challenge:
The California Water Library provides streamlined access to a constantly curated collection of reports, articles, essays, fact sheets, research, white papers, and documents generated by state and federal agencies, nonprofits, experts, and others. Targeted search tools enable users to find documents based on author, publisher, date, title, keyword, and more.