Climate Resilience Fund

The challenge:  

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that an annual investment of $2.4 trillion is needed in the energy system alone until 2035 to limit temperature rise to below 1.5 °C from pre-industrial levels. But the effort to tackle climate change goes beyond reshaping energy systems: it includes needed investments in reforestation, coastal-defense systems and many other efforts to cut emissions and adapt to rising temperatures. According to analysis, spending on adaptation efforts is particularly low. A drastic increase in investing in adaptation measures, such as early warning systems and resilient infrastructure, would not only avoid tremendous human suffering and economic losses, but would bring benefits that would outweigh the costs.

What can be done:

Communities around the world are beginning to realize that climate resilience and adaptation strategies are necessary if they are going to continue to thrive in the future. However, investments in these strategies remain far short of what’s needed.

How Climate Resilience Fund is meeting the challenge: 

CRF works across the United States to advance equitable climate resilience and sustainability outcomes for communities and the natural systems on which they depend. Together with public and private partners, CRF endeavors to expand the nation’s collective capacity to create a more adaptive, sustainable, climate-resilient society.

CRF is currently focused on three initiatives:

  • The Climate Smart Communities Initiative, which helps communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis advance plans and projects through direct grants, practitioner training, and knowledge sharing.
  • Wildfire Resilience Funders, a network that enables collaboration among philanthropic and private investors to promote wildfire-adapted landscapes and wildfire-resilient communities.
  • The Resilience Accelerator, a program that builds the capacity of local and regional leaders and climate practitioners to advance equitable and proactive climate action.



This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals

  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Climate action
  • Partnerships for the goals
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