Keith Safford

Director of Payroll


Puzzle Solver | Data Analyzer | Online Gamer

Experiences Keith brings into their work

Keith’s love of numbers started in high school, and he has worked with numbers his entire career.  He has worked at various levels in 401(k) plan administration, corporate accounting, and payroll processing.  Spreadsheets, data analytics, and his knowledge of payroll laws are how he ensures every person at Multiplier is paid accurately and every department within Multiplier gets clear and complete reporting.

What brings Keith joy outside of work

Keith served in the US Air Force for nearly 9 years including 3 years in the United Kingdom and 4 years working at an ROTC detachment in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Keith has been a fan of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books, movies, and games since he got his first Dungeons & Dragons set at age 8.  He has played World of Warcraft online for over 15 years.