Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals
March 6, 2020
Lab grown juvenile coral that can revitalize endangered reefs in the Caribbean. Turning the impending “silver-tsunami” into increased wages and job quality for vulnerable workers. An entire city working to become climate neutral. Saving the Arctic from dramatic effects of our changing climate. These efforts are driven by Multiplier’s growing wave of entrepreneurs, scientists, advocates who—supported by philanthropists and investors–are protecting and fostering a healthy, sustainable, resilient and equitable world.
Every new entrepreneurial endeavor brings with it new hope for our people and our planet as we collectively work to address root problems like lifting our planet’s poorest citizens out of poverty. Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere is just one of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted as a universal call to action by United Nations members states in 2015. Together with our partners in sustainability, Multiplier is compelled to support and align with all 17 of these critical goals to ensure peace and prosperity for people and the planet.
SDG 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources,” has been one of our focuses since our inception in 2001. Multiplier has extensive experience with projects working in the sustainable seafood space and have built an extensive project portfolio working more broadly to conserve and sustainably use marine resources. This includes internationally recognized organizations like the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions whose members are jointly creating healthier and more bio-diverse oceans while helping to drive economic and social well-being for people and communities around the world. Our portfolio of sustainable agriculture and land-use projects also reflects the importance of SDG 15, “Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.” For example, Kitchen Table Advisors and the Animal Agriculture Reform Collaborative both work to ensure that farms are both environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
Though Multiplier is rooted in land and ocean conservation, we have been steadily expanding our mission and diversifying our projects to welcome entrepreneurs who are tackling the broader needs of our world as well. In 2020 we’re doubling down on our efforts to expand our project portfolio around some critical SDGs: No Poverty (#1), Gender Equality (#5), Reduced Inequalities (#10), and Climate Action (#13). The SDGs are built on the idea that each of the 17 goals are interconnected — ending hunger, poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, tackle climate change, and spur economic growth.

It is also core to our values that we preserve our planet for future generations and enable them to be strong stewards at an early age. To that end, we believe that it is critical to seek out and foster talented now-gen and next-gen leaders help us achieve these global goals. We also believe that these global goals have the most likelihood of being achieved if we work collectively to address and solve systemic issues that create hurdles to achieving the goals.
The SDGs demonstrate humanity’s growing ability to collectively agree upon its intended trajectory while simultaneously coordinating resources and action on local, regional, national and international levels. They are an opportunity to more fully acknowledge that the fate and well-being of all humans are intimately linked with one another, and to strive together toward planet-saving, game-changing impact. Multiplier stands ready to help the change-makers and leaders who have the audacious, innovative and scalable ideas to transform the world and disrupt the status-quo. Together, we can help them bring their innovative ideas to the world at scale. If you have an idea to change the world, we have the team to help turn your vision into impact. Learn more about how to become a Multiplier project.